Memories of you etched deeply within my head,
& I'm wondering why you broke the promises made.
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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lets Call It A Day ~ =P

Today went inanam for meeting richmnd , but he's not there cos he's
helping printing shirts logo ,
so me and my sis (Xiiao Chi) went walking ~ we've play pool ^^ after that we 
went cyber .. here are some photos taken today =P --->

hehehe ~


Missin you xD

Next .. when me and chi chi ^^ -->

Xiiao Chi ^^


Going home time , at Xiiao Chi car SS xD -->

When reach home le .. then with family go Funky Town take dinner ^^ -->

My dinner xD Mango Yogurt ~

Finish le ~ 

My Dad , Mum and Bro's Dinner ^^ Lamp Chop ~ yumm ~

heres are the pic i taken today ^^
tired ahhh ~ sleep earlier to prevent from pimples and panda eyes @@
out with Xiiao Chi to beverly's cyber to play Highstreet5 ^^ really fun ..
Night everyone ^^

                                                                             Im Xiiao ViV Here ~

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