Memories of you etched deeply within my head,
& I'm wondering why you broke the promises made.
Click here to get Falling Objects

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

(2 weeks 1 day)

Today my laogong go hospital for injection , cos last night when he give his dog to eat and the dog bite my dear hand , im sad when i heard it , but my dear say its not important , laogong , for you is not important but for me its very important T.T im so worry you laogong , i try my best to take care laogong yaa , i love you always laogong , hope dear hand will better fast , haih =[

                        Written by Xiiao Viv ( wo ai ni Johnson laogong )~

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sorry Johnson laogong ( 2 Weeks )

Today at school keep dont know thing what , so scared my dear will leave me 
and i use the geometry set (compasses) to cut my hand and continue when reach home uses the cutter 
to cut again , really so scared you will leave me laogong , T.T today reach home finish bath le sms laogong , i wait laogong until sleep at the afternoon , really tired this few days dont know why ==" ,
later at night , my laogong send to me le , i made dear dissapointed cause i dint send even one msg to dear at night , sorry laogong =[ i promise laogong wont have next time le , 

Laogong , please promise me no matter what happen dont leave my side can maa ? I Miss You so damn much laogong ~ Your important in my heart , I love you so much laogong ! mmuacxx ,

                                                                          Written By Xiiao Viv ( Wo ai ni Johnson Laogong)~ 

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Xiiao ViV Posts =p ( 1 week 5 days )

Having school today , really bored so i bring along my phone for logging in facebook ,
i play my phone infront of the teacher but luckily she dint saw it if not my sim card will also would not be given back , my sis xiao chi and Claudia SS at their class , so pro yaa , haha , after school , 12.++ my mum bring me and my bro to mcdonald , when im finished ordering , i saw those useless ppl , shit , girl , i hate you so damn much , i dint even do wrong to you , you say me LC ? and im not a Playgirl , ok ? i also will get hurt , you dont even know me then simply go say ppl , DONT SPOIL MY IMAGE GIRL !  lol , take care of your mouth properly , this is last month de , someone told me this but i just 'ren' only , if you say me second time , i dont care if you are form what i sure slap you , bitch , 

Today my laogong 1.++ wake and he sms me , so happy ohhh finally have dear sweet msg that time :D 
Morning at school really so miss my dear edi but i will always waiting your msg de laogong , I Love You So Much Laogong , <3 

I Love The You Way Sms Me
I Love The Way You Say ' I Love You '
I Love The Way You Laugh 
I Love The Way You Treat Me 

I Love Everything About You Dear ! 

                     Written By Xiiao ViV ( Wo Ai Ni Johnson Laogong)~

Friday, September 24, 2010

Nothing Special Today ( 1 week 3 days )♥

Well , theres nothing special today , just going out with my mum ,
today i dint go school because im having injection , my arm now was pain though >.<
Thanks my friends worry that i dint go school yaa ~ im just go for injection oni =]
After inject then my mum bring me to take breakfast at Kolombong , 
After that i call my mum to bring me to Wisma Merdeka cos i wanna buy something =]
i've bought something to tye my hair tomorrow , Its "bling bling" really so nice , awww ♥ ,
but i call my mum to pay it for me first , 'sorry mum' =p ,
so i bought it and i 'gan yan' edi then go home luu , start to be bored again =="' , 
Today waited my dear to msg me but i waited until 6.++pm , its ok laogong , i know your tired ,
but promise me dont out too late go home next time if not i really angry le looo , xP
today afternoon think too much le , think that isit my laogong have other girl le duwan me anymore ?
and i cry abit , but i know i think too much le , i believe my laogong wont treat me like that gehh , 
hehe , Love you so much my dear laogong ♥ , nothing's gonna change my love for you yaaa =]



                                                                          Created by Xiiao ViV ~ ( Wo Ai Ni Johnson Laogong)

I Miss You My Dear =[ ( 1 Week 3 Days )♥

I'm missing you alot right now ,
waiting for your lovely message Dear ,




To My Dear Laogong Johnson 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Love Story ♥

I've created my blog again , long time dint play blog edi , hehe , i've started my relationship again with (JVCV♥) 
Dont wanna tell you all who xP haha , well , im so happy with him , no argues , =] I wanna say here that ~

Laogong , I ♥ You so much , I miss you every moment ,
I Love You one oni my dear , Promise laogong that i wont see other boys & wont fall in love to other boys ,
My heart is only for you Laogong 
I still remember we first time talk on the phone , that was really so happy , 
Last Sunday we've plan to out , on that day i was so happy at the morning i wake , 
But when in the last , Laogong send me one long msg and told me 
" Laopo.. If later i cant go.. 
Hope laopo don angry..
Cause maybe later i will in jail.. 
Now i give catch already.. Laopo..
When i come out.. I will find you..
Laopo.. I love you.."

when i've saw this long msg laogong send to me , my tears drop , and im really so worry , so i took cigarettes with my sis boyfriend , 
Im really unhappy and i planned on night i will not eat , my sis Xiao Chi cry too cos her bf also in jail , So stella sis come and "an wei" me and xiao chi , thanks stella sis , love you so much sis ♥ 

But at night , My laogong msg me can call him or not , but im at car on that time so i cant call laogong ='(
So laogong msg me and say that he's fine le , my mood really come back edi , really so happy that my dear is alright ,
Hope next time my dear wont have this kind of problem again happening to him =[ 

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH LAOGONG , hope you wont leave me and im only one at your heart , mmuacxx ♥ 

Xiiao Viv ~ ( Wo Ai Ni Johnson Laogong ) =]