Memories of you etched deeply within my head,
& I'm wondering why you broke the promises made.
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Friday, September 24, 2010

Nothing Special Today ( 1 week 3 days )♥

Well , theres nothing special today , just going out with my mum ,
today i dint go school because im having injection , my arm now was pain though >.<
Thanks my friends worry that i dint go school yaa ~ im just go for injection oni =]
After inject then my mum bring me to take breakfast at Kolombong , 
After that i call my mum to bring me to Wisma Merdeka cos i wanna buy something =]
i've bought something to tye my hair tomorrow , Its "bling bling" really so nice , awww ♥ ,
but i call my mum to pay it for me first , 'sorry mum' =p ,
so i bought it and i 'gan yan' edi then go home luu , start to be bored again =="' , 
Today waited my dear to msg me but i waited until 6.++pm , its ok laogong , i know your tired ,
but promise me dont out too late go home next time if not i really angry le looo , xP
today afternoon think too much le , think that isit my laogong have other girl le duwan me anymore ?
and i cry abit , but i know i think too much le , i believe my laogong wont treat me like that gehh , 
hehe , Love you so much my dear laogong ♥ , nothing's gonna change my love for you yaaa =]



                                                                          Created by Xiiao ViV ~ ( Wo Ai Ni Johnson Laogong)

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